SEAFOOD MARKET&RESTAURANT | Takahama, Fukui, Japan | 2021



SEAFOOD MARKET&RESTAURANT | Takahama, Fukui, Japan | 2021


かつて大型の定置網漁の運営で栄えた高浜漁港ですが、海流の変化により捕れる魚の種類や量も変化する不安定さ、養殖技術の進歩により天然物の魚単価の低調から、漁業への若者の就業者が減少していきました。2012 年から町や漁業関係者でつくる水産業振興協議会で協議を重ね、水産物の付加価値化を進めることにより、地域産物の販売量の増加を目標とするため、UMIKARAを漁港再編計画の中に位置づけました。 漁港と隣接した立地条件を存分に生かし、毎日水揚げした新鮮な魚介を使った惣菜や加工品も取り扱い、日常の買い物から、広域圏からの観光客のお土産選びまで、幅広いニーズに応え、地元や来訪客に親しまれる場所づくりが求められました。店内の動線計画は、売り場に入ると魚介類の生簀があり、隣接する厨房で3枚おろしやお刺身に調理してもらうことができます。食堂奥の畳の小上がりでは、お子様連れの家族もゆったり過ごせます。 購入したお刺身やお寿司は、レジを出た先にある「うみから食堂」のイートインや、地域のシンボル「青葉山」を望める屋上の「UMIKARA TERRACE」で食べることが出来ます。敷地内で昼市など新鮮な魚介販売イベントも行える設備設計等、通過型の商業施設ではなく、高浜町全体の観光資源を活かす将来展開を見込んだ拠点となっています。



UMIKARA is located next to a fishing village that thrived as the epicenter of Takahama town's subsistence since ancient times. The initiation of the foundational plan dates back to 2016. While we are "bequeathing" the panorama of this fishing village, our aspiration is that, with the finalization of UMIKARA as a facility for the sixth industry, we will create the "new fishing town" characterized by contemporary livelihoods rooted in fishing. We have designed a space where locals can experience in the traditional lifestyle of the village through a rejuvenated landscape its preserves the essence. It transcends being solely the facility catering to tourists; rather, it serves as a center for place-making,promoting the development of a "new version of the fishing town" for local residents, fishermen and townspeople, even during the winter when tourist numbers are low. For this purpose, it is important to contemplate architecture in a timeline that extends from the period children spend at UMIKARA to their adulthood. This foresight necessitates preparing the environment to withstand unique climatic elements, such as the winter snowfall common to the Sea of Japan and the formidable seaside winds. Aligning the roof slope and dimensions with the cultural topography created by the cluster of fisherman's huts and primary structures in the salt-earth village situated in the hinterlands of the site, we adjusted the luminosity for the commercial facility based on the sampled color palette. This approach seeks to create the new landscape while seamlessly assimilating the existing cultural milieu, with the primary intent of augmenting the value of the local panorama and instilling the sense of pride among the local people. Considering the constant sea breeze in this area, where even stainless steel succumbs to rust, the chosen construction material is reinforced concrete, complemented by a parapet to prevent snowfall and a roof designed to retain snow. Furthermore, careful insulation of the reinforced concrete frame and controlled openings have resulted in the attainment of a prestigious CASBEE A rank rating. The rooftop UMIKARA terrace, in its quotidian capacity, serves as the communal space offering panoramic views of the ocean, mountains, and village, accessible not only to tourists but also to local residents and children. It serves as a shared venue wherein Takahama Town, operators, and local volunteers can orchestrate various of events, including BBQs and festivals. Additionally, the architectural framework adopts a rigid frame structure with load-bearing walls constructed from reinforced concrete, strategically implemented to shield against the formidable sea breeze from the Sea of Japan. Given that the walls bear the brunt of seismic forces, the dimensions of the pillars have been standardized to 350 square meters, aiming to reduce the perception of pressure. Positioned at the focal point of the atrium, a column boasting an internal height of approximately 7 meters emerges. Despite its height, similar to its counterparts, it follows to the 350-square-meter standard and features a slender profile with an h/D ratio about to 1/20, seamlessly assimilating into the spatial composition.

時期 2021
設計 前田茂樹 田中宏幸 藤本雅広
構造設計 満田衛資構造計画研究所
設備 島津設計
外構 素地
グラフィック UMA / design farm
レストラン・ショップ内装設計協力 GURI
施工 建築:山惣ホーム
所在地 福井県高浜町
撮影 笹倉洋平