この駅エントランスは土木としてのスケールを持つ構築物としてつくられているが,人流を可視化するエスカレータを中心にした吹き抜けの周りに,人が自分の居場所を見つけて居たくなる小さなスケールの空間を多数設けた。敷地形状に合わせて地下3階から地上まで45度ずつ折れ曲がって上がる階段は,道路として認められる4m以上の有効幅員を確保している。階段から脇に逸れると形状や幅の違う踊り場があり,その踊り場が立体的な地形のように重なることで,お互いの視線が交わらない劇場のような立体空間をつくっている。土留めでもある擁壁が工法上,地下3階まで垂直に存在するために,各階段の裏側に必然的にできる空間にはギャラリーや事務室を設けている。ギャラリーは,地下鉄の改札を出た直後にある地下3階のカフェとともに,地域で文化活動をしている指定管理者が運営し,駅エントランス内に滞留するきっかけづくりを民間の活動により継続する仕組みも箕面市が策定した。 複数の膜屋根の柱は,折れ曲がる階段やエスカレーターを避けた上で,柱位置を決定している。大屋根の高さに応じて,梁は互いにレベルが異なるが,3本もしくは4本の柱で各屋根を支持しながら,全体でひとつの架構として設計している。その架構の上にピン節合されたトラス構造の7枚の屋根の重なり具合は,全方位から30度の角度で雨が降る状況になっても,エスカレーターには雨が掛からないことをシミュレーションにより確認している。その結果,地下でありながらも, 膜を通した拡散光と,重なりの間から漏れる自然光や風により,刻々と移り変わる自然を感じる空間が,改札口を出た瞬間に感じられる。またエスカレーターに乗った際には,視点の上下移動により,地下から地上へと移り変わる空間の見え方が移り変わり,余白の空間で思い思いに佇む人びとを見渡すことが出来る。
This project is located adjacent to the recently expanded terminus of the Osaka Metropolitan Subway's Midosuji Line, now extended. Initially, its primary function was to serve as the passageway connecting the third basement floor station entrance to the ground level and pedestrian deck. However, the design competition led to the development of this station entrance that transcends its utilitarian purpose, becoming a the public place. This underground public place, situated in Minoh City in Osaka, JAPAN with its abundant natural surroundings, provides ample room for residents to experience the sense of daily life in the city. Reflecting on historical station, such as New York's Central Station, which boasted expansive communal areas, contrasts with recent trends where rising land prices surrounding stations have led to constructions predominantly catering to commercial needs. In this context, the reevaluating station typology was essential. The project aimed to establish the semi-external space that harmonizes with the distinctive natural topography and man-made features of Minoh City, known for its waterfalls and autumn foliage. This envisioned space was designed with the intention of encouraging users to linger and stay at their leisure, promoting more engaging and community-oriented station experience. Demonstrating an understanding of human cognition to enhance personal engagement within a space is essential. Observations suggest that individuals, when in environments with ceiling height of 6 meters or more, tend to ignore the ceiling and exhibit behaviors similar to being outdoors. Our proposition involves the structural arrangement comprising multiple membrane roofs converging at the level of the pedestrian deck. This design creates an underground space that imparts the natural ambiance, enhanced by diffused light filtering through the membranes and the interplay of natural light and wind filtering through the overlapping layers. The verification of roof overlap was established through simulations, ensuring that precipitation, even with a 30-degree angle of rainfall from all directions, would not affect the escalator. Given the irregular shape of the site, characterized by an approximately 45-degree angle, the staircase connecting the third basement floor to the ground level was strategically rotated to encircle the central void. Expansive landings oriented in diverse directions intersect to form a three-dimensional topography. By gazing into the central void, each floor presents the distinct perspective, carefully orchestrated to prevent the intersection of sightlines. Furthermore, situated behind the stairs ascending to the ground level, the gallery and office space are positioned. Combined with the cafe on the third basement floor, adjacent to the entrance, this arrangement fosters the environment conducive to prolonged stays at the entrance.
時期 | 2023 |
設計 | ジオ-グラフィック・デザイン・ラボ+東畑建築事務所設計共同体 |
構造設計 | 東畑建築事務所 |
グラフィック | UMA / design farm |
施工 | 村本建設 |
所在地 | 大阪府箕面市 |
撮影 | 時空アート |